Monday, June 6, 2011

Snake Bird Watching

The kids love to walk down to the dock at the mail house and explore. One day we while visiting the dock there was a snake bird sitting on the edge carefully watching the kids. Of course they wanted to see how close they could get to him without him flying away. They finally decided to sit and watch him watch them for a few moments before he finally flew away.

Snake Bird

Friday, June 3, 2011

Man Down!

Memorial Day was eventful, to say the least. After a busy hard play filled weekend at Grandma and Grandpa's Ian had a tough ride back. With about an hour and a half left in the travels, Ian was doubled over in his car seat writhing in pain. After arriving home, he had settled a bit, but then would occasionally double over again with the stomach pain returning. Of course things like this happen on a holiday when your pediatrician is closed, leaving no other choice than to run him up to the ER. Ian likes his firsts and since he had already experienced his first ER visit, he decided to top that with his first IV, x-ray and CAT scan. I've always taught him to go big or go home! He started feeling better after the fluids got into his system and began to perk up. Ian says he "had a tube in his arm giving him some apple juice." Appears, hard play and not taking the time to stop and rehydrate was the culprit. Just glad it wasn't an appendicitis, like the ER doctor was concerned with. Phew!!! Here are a couple pictures from his ER visit.

ER Bed
Poor Wittle Man
What is this in my hand?
Brave Little Boy
Mini Gown

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Garden Statue

We found this new garden statue and just had to have it. We couldn't resist and were even excited to find out that it is self watering. Put it next to your favorite plants and it takes care of them for you! Look, you can almost see the plant growing before your very eyes! You have to run out and get one, and you can even personalize it to look like one of your own kids. Hey wait...

Garden Gnome

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Is There A Doctor In The House?

Emma got her first splinter during our first "Dingy" ride. We rode over to the playground, and then sat out on the dock. When leaving to head home she got a splinter getting up from the dock and we had to go home to perform major life threatening surgery (at least to her judging from the picture). Dr. Tucker to the rescue and Emma is now all better.

Major Surgery
Daddy's Hurting Me!
Oh The Humanity!

New Bike Buggy - "Dingy"

I surprised the kids with a new bike buggy just as the weather is breaking, so we can go on trail rides throughout Oldfield. Ian jumped right in and was ready to go. Emma on the other hand was rather hesitant and had to see Ian ride first to make sure it didn't eat him or hurt him in any way. Once she was okay with it we went on our first ride and captured some good pics. Oh yeah, they named it "Dingy" by the way. Where Ian came up with that name, no clue, but they love to go for "Dingy" rides!
Ian First
I'm ready!
Nervous Nellie
Trail Ride

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

P.K. Fruen Photo Shoot

We had a great photo session when we were in Cocoa at Christmas time. Pat Fruen takes incredible pics. She is the photographer that captured the great picture of Ian and Emma mid scream (the photo we had the caption contest if you remember). If you are ever in the Cocoa, FL area and looking for a great photographer, look Pat up. Her website is

P.K. Fruen Photo Shoot

(Click photo to see the rest)