Thursday, September 27, 2007

Week 28.5 - Yellow Brick Road

Well last night we were off to see the wizard again due to many contractions. They kept her to monitor her for a while and then around 3 this morning they decided to put her back on the magnesium to tone down the contractions. They said they didn't feel she was going into labor but wanted to tone them down as they did before when we were there for about 2 wks. They also gave her a shot of steroids to help with the development of the babies' eyes and lungs. This shot can only be given once and they like to have it in the system at least a week before anything goes down so since she is this far along they decided to go ahead and stick her. Now my wife is on the juice; I hope she doesnt get roid rage! She will be in for at least 2 days for the magnesium like before but who knows right now it could be longer. Stay tuned for updates...


The Kinard family said...

Ali, you are doing great!!! Keep hangin' in there! I know this time is hard on you, but it is going to be soooo worth it in the end! We are praying, praying, praying for 3 healthy little babies!

The Thomas Crew said...

Allison, you've got a lot of people cheering for you---including an ENTIRE set of Henderson sisters. Take it a day at a time; that is all you can do, Girl!