Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Week 22 - Baby Size Perspective

Well we are at 22 weeks and counting and the babies keep on growing and growing but they sure are giving their momma a heck of a time keeping her in the hospital for an extended period of time. I have been commuting back and forth keeping her company and staying some nights at the hospital with her and I must say that the pull out chair/beds suuuurre are comfortable. As a matter of fact I recommend everyone run out and get one this weekend for you sleeping pleasure. Who needs ambien when you have those concrete slabs to knock yourself out on.
The babies are helathy and doing well, babies A and C are weighing in at a pound and baby B is at a pound six ounces. It must be that large cranium he has like his daddy's. Smart kid! The picture above shows you the size of a baby in the belly at 22 wks. Multiply that by three and it gives you an appreciation for what Ali is going through with those little boogers.

Sorry no ultrasound this week because of the extended stay hotel we have been enjoying, more to come later. She may be getting out on Friday at the earliest. Thank you everyone for all the kind words and prayers we appreciate them and definitely need them to keep these babies where they are for a couple more months in order to emerge healthy.


Stephanie said...

Hi. It's Laurie's friend Stephanie, and I just want you to know you can add me to the list of people sending lots of positive thoughts your way. And I hope it doesn't creep you out that I'm reading your blog! Um, if it does, let me know and I'll quit or something.

Anyway, your babies are in my prayers! Hang in there.

Taylor and Allison said...

Dont be rediculous we are glad you are following along with us. The more the merrier. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers and for posting on our blog.

The Thomas Crew said...

Hey, Y'all, It's Shannon. (Laurie's sister, Evan's aunt, and Stephanie's friend....*snicker snicker*) Seriously, I am thinking about all of you. Hang in there, Allison--You too, Taylor! (I know you are doing all you can for Allison and it's just hard to see her uncomfortable or worried and not be able to fix anything yourself.) One day at a time is all you can do! :)