Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Week 23 - Homeward Bound!

Taxi! Finally we were able to take her home where all of our cats were wondering who this stranger is that I was bringing into their home. She is back and doing the monitoring from home again and the travel home gave her some irritablility but she had a good morning this morning. We go back for a 48 hr check up tomorrow to make sure she is doing okay at home and not have to go back to jail until the buns have cooked a little longer.
Sorry this picture is a little fuzzy as the nurse did not want to slow down for the picture. She had better things to do such as running me down for getting in her way! Thanks to everyone for the support through phone calls, emails and prayers. We hope they all help to keep the buns in the oven a little while longer.

1 comment:

Laurie R. said...

So glad you're home! Thank you, again, for keeping us posted on everything.